All SEND provision is overseen and managed by the Inclusion Leader (SENDCo), Ms Amy Houldsworth. If you have any concerns about your child’s educational needs, please contact Ms Houldsworth on 0113 2043120 or e-mail
At Spring Bank Primary School, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils based on three principles:
Children have a learning difficulty if they:
For children who have a specific learning difficulty or a disability, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy outlines the educational support we provide – this is often referred to as our ‘SEND Offer’, detailed below. This provision is alongside the Leeds Local Offer. All our policies relating to SEND can be downloaded below.
If you’re not happy with any of the arrangements in place for your child, we would always recommend that you initially speak to the SENDCO in school. Our aim is to work together for the best outcomes for your child. If a resolution isn’t possible, you may wish to follow our complaints procedure. If you’re unhappy with anything in relation to an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment or an EHC plan, please email or call 0113 378 5256.
In addition to the formal support processes set out above, parents and young people can seek advice and support from Leeds SEND Information Advice Support Service who will be able to offer support. You can email or call the Helpline on 0113 378 5020.
Leeds City Council produce a range of one minute guides covering different aspects of SEN. They can be found here.