RSE and Health Education
In primary school, the very large majority of RSE is about relationships. The learning is ongoing, and often incidental, learning about relationships with family, friends and others around us. Children will naturally talk about different relationships; this might include:
- relationships with family members compared with relationships with people at school
- developing friendships and the need to get on with everyone, and ways to cope if relationships are hard
- different families, some with a mum and dad, but others with a different make-up
Our overall aims for RSE in our school are:
- learning the value of family life, safe, stable and loving relationships (including marriage and civil partnerships); and learning the value of respect, love and care
- learning to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively; and learning to make choices based on an understanding of difference and with an absence of prejudice
- learning about physical development at appropriate stages; and being aware of emotions and relationships
- ensuring consent is a key foundation of all lessons as pupils explore everyday consent, boundaries and friendships
SE and Health education is taught as part of our wider PHSE and Personal Development offer, which also includes work on fundamental British Values, SMSC and economic education. Our RSE and Health education curriculum provides a structured programme matched to the ages and development stages of pupils. It seeks to combat ignorance and fear and clarify existing knowledge by providing accurate information. It provides opportunities to discuss feelings, emotions and attitudes in a safe, non-threatening situation. It also helps to create a natural, positive attitude towards sexuality and to develop the skills needed to manage relationships. By providing opportunities to exchange ideas, it promotes tolerance and understanding of others. The sharing of ideas contributes to the development of values and a personal sense of morality.
At Spring Bank we offer a Sex Education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the pupils in Year 5 which complements the existing science curriculum on reproductive cycles. Parents are consulted and shown the materials which are used in school and have the legal right to withdraw their child from Sex Education sessions if they wish to do so.
We ensure all children including those with SEND are fully included in RSE lessons through differentiation with activities designed to be flexible to each individual’s learning needs, challenging our more able learners, and supporting those who need extra help. We personalise, by really getting to know our learners and tailoring the teaching and learning experience for their ability, age, and experience, creating a curriculum that is inclusive and caters for every learner as an individual