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Our Curriculum



Class Teacher: Miss Normanton
Teaching Assistant: Clare Duck

Here is some useful information about this half term and an overview of what we will be learning about! 

Once Upon a Time

Our topic is ‘Once Upon a Time’ and we will be looking at traditional tales, fairy tales, castles and knights, princesses and all things make believe!


Our focus books this half term are going to be Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Gingerbread Man.

We will be learning the following phonics sounds:

  • ‘j’ as in jug
  • ‘v’ as in van
  • ‘w’ as in web
  • ‘x’ as in fox
  • ‘y’ as in yo-yo
  • ‘z’ as in zip
  • ‘zz’ as in buzz
  • ‘qu’ as in queen
  • ‘ch’ as in chick
  • ‘sh’ as in ship
  • ‘th’ as in this

Understanding the World:


  • Understand the change of the seasons and make observations of the world around them.
  • Begin to investigate changing states of matter through observing how ice is formed and melts.

Traditional Tales

  • Introduce children to a range of fictional characters and differentiate between them and real-life characters.
  • Know some similarities and differences between life in the past and now through learning about castles, princesses and knights.


This half term, we will be learning about:

  • Numbers within 5 recap
  • Mass and capacity
  • Introducing 6, 7 and 8
  • Length, Height and Time


PE will continue on a Thursday morning. Please make sure children have their PE kit on Thursdays (white t-shirt and black shorts) and that it is NAMED. Please also ensure children are wearing trainers on Thursdays. 

Circle time:

We will be looking at how it is good to be me and continuing to talk about our feelings. Understand how to have a healthy body and healthy mind. Children will start to understand the feelings of others and consequences of their behaviour. Children will start to make goals and plans.

Parental involvement:

  • Play and Learn sessions will begin for this half term on Tuesday mornings 09.00-10.00am. I will post more information about this on Dojo.
  • Bradley Bear and the Snuggle Pack will continue to be sent home every Friday.

Useful links to help learning:

  • Oxford Owl - This is a fantastic website to support your child's reading and phonics! I will send children home with a login for this on the first week back after half term. Oxford Owl - Student Log in
  • Dojo/Tapestry - Regularly log into these apps to see updates on your child's learning in school and things they have been getting up to. You can also upload things to your child's portfolio area on Dojo if there's anything special they would like to share!
Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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