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  • Our Curriculum

    Religious Education


    At Spring Bank Primary School, we believe that, as a diverse community, we need to understand different religions and cultures to get along peacefully. RE gives pupils an understanding or a range of religions and other world views, enabling them to develop their ideas, values, and identities. RE teaches pupils to articulate their personal beliefs and values while respecting the right of others to differ.

    Our intent is to:

    • Investigate the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views.
    • Celebrate diversity and inclusivity as it is promoted through our Religious Education Curriculum.
    • Encourage meaningful, relevant, engaging enquiry.
    • Equip pupils with the necessary skills to explore personal questions.
    • Offer the study of religious and non-religious approaches to life.
    • Encourage learners to develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold religious beliefs different from their own.
    • Offer time and space, allowing our children to reflect on their own thoughts.
    • Develop their understanding of the ways in which beliefs impact people in their behaviour, practices, and outlook on life.


    At Spring Bank Primary School our RE curriculum is to fulfil the requirements of the Local Agreed Syllabus statutory requirements. This syllabus requires our teachers to focus on world faiths, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Alongside these, pupils will look at stories, beliefs and practices from a wide range of cultures, as well as having the opportunity to discuss and explore their own views and feelings on moral, theological, and philosophical issues.

    We implement our RE teaching by:

    • Ensuring units of work are planned around a central ‘big’ question, relating to the subject content of the Leeds Syllabus.
    • Encouraging our children to engage with key questions in a meaningful and relevant manner.
    • Implementing high quality first teaching.
    • Planning lessons with opportunities for debate and discussion.
    • Planning engaging lessons which make use of a wide range of literature and real life experiences.
    • Organising assemblies to recognise and celebrate religious festivals.
    • Celebrating diversity through the recognition of world events.
    • Organising trips and visits to enhance and enrich learning opportunities.


    The impact of RE teaching at Spring Bank Primary will allow our children to:

    • Understand how religions can influence morality and identity.
    • Have a thorough understanding of different religions, beliefs, values and traditions.
    • Explore their own beliefs and values, and make informed decisions.
    • Interact and participate, in a positive way, in our diverse community.
    • Know that they are valued and that their voice is important to our school community.
    • Develop high expectations of their own growth mind set and approaches to learning.
    • Be respectful and tolerant of other’s beliefs, values, and world views.

    Please see the documents below for the overview of learning.

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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