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Year 2


Class Teacher: Mrs. Jowsey

Teaching Assistants:

Mr Murphy (am) 

Miss Cox (Tuesday) 

Year 2 will also be taught by Mrs Wilton on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.

Mrs Ausobsky will guide the children during Forest School sessions every Friday morning. 


Please help your child to read every day at home and sign their reading book to show that it has been read. Please note any sounds which your child has found tricky to read. When your child needs a new book, they should place their book and reading record in the box outside the classroom at the start of the day and it will be changed to take home that evening.

Our class library day is on Friday at lunchtime. Children will be able to change their book every Friday l from our school library - this will be guided by the Year 6 Librarians. 

PE Lessons:

Year 2 has PE on Mondays and Thursdays each week. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct PE kit on these days. Please can children who have long hair ensure it is tied back.

Acceptable PE kit:

- blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms

- white t-shirt

- running trainers

- blue/black sweatshirt or hoodie for outdoors

Forest school:

Children will access Forest School every Friday morning until the Christmas holidays. Children need to wear appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear. 

Acceptable Forest School kit: 

 - wellies/ walking boots

 - coat

 - hat, gloves, scarf


Your child's log in for all of these websites is stuck inside their yellow reading record book.

Purple Mash is an award-winning cross-curricular website for primary school children, enabling them to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. In Year 2, we use Purple Mash for our computing sessions on a Friday.

The Spelling Shed is a spelling platform designed by a team of teachers. It is built with students, teachers and parents in mind and aims to make spelling fun for students as well as simple for adults to manage.

NumBots is all about every child achieving and understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.

Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths programme that takes all the worry out of learning times tables and has a proven track record of boosting children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division.