Class Teacher: Mrs Prattent and Miss Houldsworth
Teaching Assistant: Miss Freckleton and Mrs Jenny Miller
Year 4 will also be taught on Wednesday mornings by Mrs Wilton for RE. Mrs Prattent teaches the class Mondays - Wednesday mornings. Miss Houldsworth teaches the class Wednesday afternoons - Friday.
Please help your child to read every day at home.
Reading homework is set by the teacher every week. The children need to complete the reading and comprehension questions in the reading journal provided and bring it back to school ready for the next guided reading session.
Year 4 have PE on a Tuesday each week. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct PE kit on this day. Please can children who have long hair ensure it is tied back.
Acceptable PE kit:
Year 4 will have a swimming lesson on a Friday afternoon. This will count as one of their PE lessons.
For swimming the children will need to bring:
A towel
A swim suit
Goggles if they need them
A swimming hat if they need one.
A suitable bag that will hang on the pegs in the cloakroom - this is very important as the cloakroom is very small and becomes dangerous when bags are left on the floor.
Long hair must be tied back.
At the end of Year 4, children will complete a times tables check. It is important that children know all of their times tables. Please see below some useful websites to support learning:
TT Rockstars For times tables
Purple Mash For computing
Top Marks - Hit the Button For times tables and number facts
Ed Shed Spelling shed, maths shed, phonics shed
Please find below our long term plan for the year and our class timetable.